
Friday, February 11, 2011

My Daughter's science fair project board

The whole board

Close up of the headers - before

Close up of the headers - after
 Okay, so I should totally be in bed right now but I wanted to post what's been keeping me away. The science fair. I don't really help my daughter with the project because that wouldn't be fair but who can resist the board?! Oh, how I love to do the board. This year, she decided to do a project with sand so I decided no glitter ... but shaker cards!! Yup, the title and all the headers are shaker cards filled with either coarse sand (title) or silica sand (headers). While we didn't place this year, her board looked amazing and it was really fun to watch the people's reactions when they realized that there was sand behind the letters ... and it moved!!! I even had a teacher tell me that while they were setting up they all huddled around the board wanting to play with it. LOL.

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